We specialize in offering support during the critical first few months of a baby's life.
At Goodnight Babies we provide a range of services focused on mentoring new families with hands-on instruction and expert guidance. Our goal is to ease the transition to parenthood, through services that support and guide your journey. We now serve the Houston and Austin areas of Texas. Please reach out for more info on which services are offered in each location.

Night Nurse
Our night nurses are here to help from the moment you bring your baby home. A night nurse allows parents to catch up on much-needed sleep by caring for your newborn during the nighttime, providing all essential care while also helping ease the baby into a healthy sleep schedule.
We provide physical, emotional, and educational support as you develop a sleeping and feeding schedule for your newborn during those critical first few weeks or months. Helpful for any family, our services are particularly essential for parents of multiples, preemies, or babies with special needs.

First Aid
Parents can sleep soundly knowing our caretakers have first-aid training and can assist with any bump, boo-boo, or upset tummy. The reassurance provided by first aid certification is priceless, and the total well-being of your child is our first priority.

Lactation Consultant
The lactation consultants at Goodnight Babies offer a broad range of expert knowledge and special insight regarding breastfeeding and lactation care.
Our consultants can assist mothers with positioning and latching, increasing milk supply, and managing breast infections. We can even assist with special feeding strategies for multiples, preemies, and newborns with special needs.

Sleep Schedule
A sleep schedule is essential for the well-being of both baby and family, and our specialists will help you develop a newborn sleep routine that's as stress-free as possible. Newborns require the same nighttime routine every night, and our team will help bring that consistency and organization to your home.
Together, we will develop a gentle series of calming activities that will teach your little one how to recognize bedtime and fall asleep easily.

Potty Training
Potty training is an intimidating topic for any parent. It's important that your little one be guided through this important milestone with patience and understanding, and our specialists are here to help. We offer product recommendations and informed guidance on how to make potty training simple and uncomplicated for both parent and toddler.